Sunday, August 19, 2012


Copyright 2012 By Teel.
This is a rough draft of a novel in progress.
Not to be reprinted or reposted without premission.


    Alan and Fred after finishing their meal returned to their apartment. It was on the third floor of an old apartment building about a block away from the strip mall where the carnival was located for the weekend.
    Fred went to right to the computer in the living room to check the business email for more orders. Business has been slower than usual and he was hoping more orders had come in.
Alan when to his room to finish a sci novel he started a few days ago.
    Shortly after Alan started to read Fred called for Alan to come and see something on the computer.
          “What is it?” Asked Alan as he entered the living room. He was hoping that it was not another bunch of photos of cute kittens.
          “Take a look at this.” Fred pointed to the computer screen “I up loaded the pictures I took of the alien creature. He's not green. He looks white.”
           “There was a plastic sheet over the crate. It must of effected the picture.”
          “Maybe. It's a strange shade of white. It's almost as if it is glowing.”

     Alan went back to his room to finish his novel.
He read the novel as he laid on his bed. He found himself feeling sleepy as he read and decided to rest his eyes for a few minutes.
     He fell asleep within a few minutes.

     Alan find himself in a dream. He knew he was in a dream. Otherwise he would not be in a desert he thought. He hated the desert.
     He looked around himself in the desert dreamland. There was nothing but sand for as far as he could see.
Then he spotted a figure in black walking toward him. Behind that figure was another one and another one after that one.
There was a whole line of people walking toward him.
The figure in black came near him. It was Don Kaligari dressed in a black suit and a top hat.
     Behind Kaligari was the alien creature from his sideshow truck standing on it's own feet walking behind him and behind the creature was another creature and behind that one was another.
     Kaligari walked pass Alan without saying a word. So did the long line of alien creatures that fallowed Kaligari. There must have been hundreds of them walking along with him.
Alan looked up at the sun. It was not yellow. It was a strange shade of glowing white In the blue sky.
     Alan awoke. It was dark outside his window.
     He heard sounds.
     He realized the sounds were coming from the kitchen. Fred was making spaghetti and meatballs for dinner as he did every Saturday night.

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