Monday, August 6, 2012


Copyright 2012 By Teel
This is a rough draft of a novel in progress.
Please do not reprint or repost without permission.


     When Alan and Fred finished college their plan was to open an office and be rich within a year.
     It was a year and a half later and their office was an old desk in the living room of the cheap rundown apartment they shared.
     Business was good enough to pay the rent but they often did not have any money left over for anything else.
     It was Alan's idea to go to check out the carnival. Fred wanted to watch TV but Alan told him that he needed to get out once in a while. Fred's skin was becoming an unnatural shade of pale white Alan told him.
     Fred was unimpressed with the shoddy little carnival.
             “Look at those junky rides.” He said to Alan. “What parent would place their kid in a death trap like that.”
            “I'm sure it's safe.” Stated Alan. Alan enjoyed going to see tacky places and things. He enjoyed the carnival just like he enjoyed going to the thrift store.
         “I was hoping to find some deep fried junk food to snack on at least.”
         “We'll get some nachos later. Hey look.”
    Alan pointed to the truck behind the game booths.
         “Well I guess the day won't be a complete waste. We can see a space alien.” Said Fred in a tone that suggested that he did not really believe that he was going to see a real space creature.
          “I wonder if it'll be some sort of a freak animal in a big jar of alcohol.”
          “Wow. Just the sort of thing I want to see just before I eat lunch.”
          “Come on Fred let's check it out. This could be some fun.”
          “You said the same thing the time we went to that strip joint on Fat Girl Night.”
          “Well I had fun that night.”

     As the walked up to the truck the bearded man at the door spotted them.
            “Hi guys. You want to see an alien from space? One a dollar a piece.”
            “That sounds like a bargain.” Remarked Fred as they walked up the wooden stairs. “I got this Al. I'll sticking you with the nachos.”
            “Sure thing.” Said Alan who was hoping that the Mexican taco joint would take a credit card.
Fred handed the man two dollars and they walked into the back of the truck.
     It was cold in there and the lights were not too bright.
     In the middle of the truck space was a large white painted crate eight foot long and 4 foot wide. A sheet of clear plastic covered the top of the crate. Thumb tacks were used to hold the plastic cover down.
     They looked down into the crate.
     It was gruesome.
     The thing in the crate was lying on top of a pile both crush and cube ice.
     It looked was if someone had found a giant octopus somewhere and cut up and badly re build it to try and make it look like an ape of some sort.
            “Isn't he something?” Stated the bearded man.
            “You can say that again.” Said Alan. He was looking over the thing closely. He was sure was was some sort of animals sew together but he could not see any stitches or any sort of a gap between the joints.
     would not admit it to anyone but he was spooked by the eyes of the thing in the crate. The large dead eyes stared upwards into empty space.
             “Where do you get this?” Asked Alan. He regretted asking as soon as he asked. He knew sideshow people always had some sort of exotic story about the freak they had on desplay.
     The bearded man seem eager to tell his story.

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