Monday, August 13, 2012


Copyright 2012 by Teel
This is a rough draft of a novel in progress.
Not to be reprinted or reposted without permission.

     When the man finished his story Alan thought the man must be one of the greatest actors he met or a total loony.
     Fred thought the man was a loony. He was wondering if the thing in the crate was made of rubber of some sort or some animal cut up and sewn together by a butcher with the soul of a demented artist.
      “What about the wreck?” Asked Alan.
      “I was never able to return to it. The snow storm changed the landscape and I was unable to retrace my way to the wreck.”
      “Too bad there must have been some interesting things in that wreck.”
          “I'm sure there would have been.”
          “Do you mind if I take a picture?” Asked Fred as he pulled out his camera phone.
          “Go right ahead.”
    As Fred framed his shot of the thing he wished there was more light in the back of the truck.
    Fred took three pictures of the thing in the crate.
He then looked to the bearded man and thought he would make a good photo subject.
          “Can I have a picture of you standing by the crate?”
          “Sure thing.” Said the man as he tucked in his shirt. He stood next to the crate straight and tall as if he was never proud of what he had there.
        “Do you mind if I post these pictures on my website? I'll give your exhibit a plug.”
        “Go ahead and print the photos. I'm moving on with the carnival on Monday morning so I don't really think a plug will bring me more business.”
        “How should I credit you in the picture? What's your name?”
             “Don Kaligari.”
     Fred almost laughed when he said that. He remembered the old silent movie THE CABINET OF DR. CALIGARI. It was about a sideshow featuring a sleepwalking and a mad Dr. Caligari who controlled it.
     He assumed the man was giving him a fake name.
             “Come on Fred.” Said Alan. “Let get to the taco shop. I'm ready for some nachos.”
     As Alan and Fred walked away the bearded man called out to them:
            “Thanks for dropping by guys. Tell your friends to come and see me and my friend.”

            “Well that was worth two dollars.” Stated Fred as they walked away from the truck. “Three dollars and I would have felt cheated.”
            “Hey that was totally worth the money. I wish I knew how he made up that thing. I can't tell if it's rubber or some animal that has been sewn together.”
            “Yes I was wondering the same thing.”

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