Tuesday, January 17, 2012



     Doris Johnson was looking for a can of re fried beans when she saw it in the in the cabinet.
     It was almost two inches high and wearing some sort of
a white space suit and a helmet.
     She was startle by it and quickly grabbed the fly swapper off the hook in the kitchen.
     She moved around the cans but was unable to find it again.
     Doris then remembered what she heard on the TV commercial. For every one space creature you see there's ten that you don't see.
     She walked over to the ice box and looked among the flier she had tack up with magnets.
     She then found the business card that was left at the front door a few weeks ago: TRIPLE A ALIEN EXTERMINATION- we wipe them out.

     Barely an hour after she called a green van drove into Johnson's drive way. On the side in large letters was the company's name TRIPLE A ALIEN EXTERMINATION. There was a cartoon of an alien creature with it's eyes X'd out.
     A tall man got out of the van. He was wearing green overalls that matched the color of the van. On the pocket of his overalls there was a sewn on patch with the name Ed on it.

     Ed johansson looked over the cupboards and the cabinets of the kitchen.
             “Look here ma'am.” He said to Doris. “See those cans over here?”
     Doris took a look at the cans. They seem to have little dents in them.
             “See ma'am. Those little alien buggers have been trying to open up some cans here.”
            “What for?”
            “To eat of course. These aliens things are not like wild animals that eat plants or other wild animals. When they infest a house they steal food out of the fridge and cabinets.”
           “Where do they come from?”
           “No one is really sure. Hundred of their little ships have been spotted flying here from space. Most of their ships burn up in the atmosphere. The rest make it to Earth and make pest of themselves.”
    Ed and Doris went into the back yard. Ed looked around under a couple of bushes and then found them.
    It was a small space craft about three feet long. Half of it was stuck in the ground. It looked like it landed there in a crash.
          “There's the source of them.” He told Doris. “I'll have to blow up the ship.”
          “Blow it up? Won't that destroy my yard?”
          “It'll be a small explosion. At worst you might lose that bush. It's the only way to really clean them out.”

    Doris was drinking a cup of coffee when the small bomb went off. She looked out the window into the back yard and watched the exterminator watering down the bush with the garden hose. There was a lot of smoke. A big chunk of the bush was gone now.

    Doris was starting her second cup of coffee when there was a knock on the kitchen door. It was the exterminator.
          “Well that blast seem to clear them away. I took the craft parts to my van to dispose of it.”
          “So you got them all?”
          “Most likely. I will leave you a few traps to put in your kitchen in case one or two was away from the craft while it was being destroyed. Will you be paying with a check or credit card?”

    The exterminator left her a couple of rat traps. She placed them on the floor near the cup board where the can goods were kept. She made a mental note to herself to buy some of that alien stray she saw in a television commercial.


This story is copyright 2012 by Teel. Not to be re printed or re posted without permission.

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