Tuesday, January 31, 2012



     Tony Roland was showing his cousin around the city. It had been his first visit to the large city and Tony was acting as his guide.
            “Hey John. See that man over there?”
    John saw a dirty looking bum standing on the street corner ranting away about something. People walked passed him as if he was not there. He kept ranting away at people as if he had something important to tell them.”
          “What's the problem with that guy?”
          “We call him Weird Willie. He appeared here one day a few years ago and started yelling and screaming about monsters from outer space.”
          “Monsters from space?”
          “Yeah he goes on for hours on end about monsters from outer space and how they are going to invade the Earth.”
         “Sounds like he saw one sci fi film too many.”
   Fifty years later the invaders from outer space came.
   All over the Earth the incredibly large spacecrafts landed and the giant alien creatures who flew the spaceships to the Earth would leave the crafts each day to go out and hunt humans.

     A few years later most of the human race was wiped off the planet. The creatures from outer space started to burn down the cities of the Earth and build cities of their own.

     In a hidden basement lab a group of scientist was performing an experiment that might be the last hope for the people of the planet Earth.
     The volunteer for this experiment was William Bucket. The experiment that was being perform was to send him back into the past to warn the people of the Earth about the invasion so that the people of the Earth could unite and be ready to fight off the invaders.
     Three other tried this experiment and died in the time machine that the scientist had build.
     This was the last time they could try the experiment.
     The needed supplies to try the experiment were almost gone.
     William was placed in a narrow tube next to a large machine the scientist built.
     They started the experiment.
     In the tube William felt strange as if a great weigh was pressing down on him. He saw blight colors of light and then all went black. He passed out then.

     When he awoke he was in between two cars.
     He stood up and found himself in a parking lot.
     He looked on in amazement that he was in the middle of a large city that was not in ruins.
     He saw hundreds of people on the sidewalks walking out in the open. Not hiding from the space aliens.
     He ran out of the parking lot and up to the people on the sidewalk.
            “People!People!” He shouted. “Giant aliens are coming from outer space! They want to eat us!”
     He was surprised to see that no one was paying any attention to him. They walked passed him like he was invisible.
     He shouted louder to the by passers. He told them that they had to call the armies of the world to prepare a defense against the invaders.
     The only one who paid him any mind was a by passer who told him to go to hell.
     Years later he was still there trying to warn people. It was all in vain. The people of the city thought he was just another one of the mentally ill homeless people living on the streets.


Copyright 2012 by Teel. Not to be reprinted or re posted without permission.

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