Friday, November 7, 2014

THE MONSTER'S FOOT. A short story


     No one knew where the strange creature came from or what exactly it was. It appeared one sunny day from the ocean and walked up to a beach in San Diego.
     The monster was as tall as a 50 story building. It was shaped something like an ape that walked upright but the head looked something like the head of an octopus with large yellow eyes. It was gray and hairless and had scales like a fish.
     The people on the beach ran away as they saw the huge thing rise from the ocean. As it walked toward the beach it blocked out the sun for several blocks ahead.
     It walked passed and away from the beach and walked toward the city.
     There was a panic as it walked down the street of city. Cars crashed into each other as people tried to speed away and those crashed ended up blocking the traffic and cars were unable to be driven away from the creature as it stalked through the streets.
     Many people abandon their cars and ran away.
     John Stockton was one of those people. He had crashed his car into the back of a taxi. The monster was very close and he run out of his car toward a building to shelter him self away from the giant beast.
     But as Stockton ran across the crowded street he tripped over a blind man who had fallen over as the crowd pushed him aside.
     The great monster was now nearly over him. It seem as if it was going to step over him.
     They said that just before a person dies their life flashes before their eyes.
     Stockton remembered something from 30 years ago. He was about five years old at the time.
     Everyday after breakfast Stockton's mother would send him out of the house to play so that he would be out of the way while she did the house work.
     The first thing he did each day after his mother pushed him out of the house was to go over to the corner of the patio where there was a big crack in the cement.
     There was an ant colony under that crack. Young Stockton would go there and stomp up and down on the ants.      First starting with the stray ones away from the colony and then he would stomp on as many as he could as the ants ran about in circles trying to get away from the feet of the young man. He would do that till he got bored.
     That is what he remembered as he watched the giant foot of the monster fall down upon him as it walked along the street as the crowds ran around in a panic.


Copyright 2014 By Teel.

Monday, August 11, 2014


     The BRIDE OF THE MONSTER would be the best looking movie that director Edward D. Wood jr would ever make. This is not to say that it is a great movie. In fact it is a movie made in the 50's that looks like it was shot in the 40's.
     Unlike most of Wood's movies it has sets that don't look like they were thrown together at the last minute from thrift store stuff. The acting is at the normal B movie level of the era.  The story line is old fashion mad scientist stuff that you have seen in countless other horror movies.
     The film escapes the schlocky look of other Wood movies like PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE and GLEN OR GLENDA.

Thursday, July 24, 2014


If you are missing this year's San Diego Comic Con (or Comic Con International as they call themselves now) go to You Tube and check out the videos people are posting of the event. Many of the big panels that get filled up are going to be posted.

A lot of videos are going to be posted over the week and more when the visitors get back home to their home computers.

Watching a video that has been posted the same day of the event is almost as good as being there and you don't have to stand in the long lines to Hall H.

Saturday, May 24, 2014


     Well I feel old- I was reading someone's blog online and he was talking about hunting for and swapping old VHS tapes and he wrote about how he played them on an old VHS VCR he got at a yard sale for $5 and he reminded me of collectors who use to search the yard sales and thrift stores for old 78 records (You young people may of heard of those- they were round disks that played music when you spin them under a needle) I wrote him and told him I enjoyed the post and that I also collected VHS tapes- But many of them were new when I got them.

     I also got a bunch of Betamax tapes I bought new.

     (Re posted from my Facebook page)

Thursday, April 3, 2014


     While most of the schlock movies I see are in the areas of horror and sci fi sometimes I enjoy other off the wall type of films. PIN DOWN GIRLS is a schlock drama about wrestling women. The female star of the film is Peaches Page and this seem to be her only movie. Too bad.
     This film was featured on THE MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000 show under the title RACKET GIRLS.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


     Trailer for Jerry Warren's FACE OF THE SCREAMING WEREWOLF.  A film that  was spliced together from footage from two Mexican horror movies LA MOMIA AZTECA and LA CASA DE TERROR. Warren also recut LA MOMIA AZTECA into the movie ATTACK OF THE MAYAN MUMMY.

Friday, March 28, 2014


     A trailer for the schlock classic THE BEAST OF YUCCA FLATS (1961) a featurette starting Tor Johnson as a rocket scientist who becomes a mad monster after being expose to the blast of an atomic bomb. The opening reminds me of the first issue of the INCREDIBLE HULK except that Tor Johnson is already a big giant guy before the bomb goes off.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

AMERICAN DRACULA Indian horror movie.

     A few days ago I found a movie on You Tube that reminded me of the butcher jobs of producer/director Jerry Warren. The film was was on an Indian channel and entitled AMERICAN DRACULA. The title card was in both English and Indian script.
     I soon discovered that the movie was the American 'Adult' film DRACULA SUCKS with all the nudity and sex cut completely out. 
     I guess they did not have very much film left over after taking out the adult footage so they edited into the film scenes from movie GHOULIES. Of course this movie is badly dubbed with Indian dialogue. The filmmakers also added a few songs from the 60's including SPIRIT IN THE SKY and DON'T YOU WANT SOMEBODY TO LOVE.
     There was no subtitles on the print I saw so I don't know if they addressed the fact that the film kept going back and fore from the Dracula movie which took place in the 20's and the ghoulies film which took place in the 80's. 
     The print I saw had awful color. I don't know if the film was released that way or if the person who posted it took if from a home recording. The film seems to be from a TV broadcast.
     By the way Dracula was played by adult film star Jamie Gillis who was pretty good in the role. The DRACULA SUCKS footage that this film was re cut from was fairly well made.

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Unlike most people I did not throw out my VHS VCR after DVDs became popular. In fact I got five of them. People gave me their old VHS machines. The best part of having five VHS players is that you can buy VHS tapes for between 50 cents to a dollar out here at the Goodwill Thrift stores. Most of the movies are mainstream Hollywood flicks but if you look around you can find something of interest in the horror and sci field. Yesterday I got the three first Alien movies and a copy of the Hammer horror film RASPUTIN starring Christopher Lee in a good change of pace role. I also got 3 tapes of the English TV series ARE YOU BEING SERVED? If you are a person with a lot of old VHS tapes and are planning to get rid of them I hope you give them to the Goodwill or some other thrift shop so that other film collectors who hung on to their old VCRs can buy them cheap. I think that would be better than throwing them out with the trash.