Sunday, February 16, 2014


Unlike most people I did not throw out my VHS VCR after DVDs became popular. In fact I got five of them. People gave me their old VHS machines. The best part of having five VHS players is that you can buy VHS tapes for between 50 cents to a dollar out here at the Goodwill Thrift stores. Most of the movies are mainstream Hollywood flicks but if you look around you can find something of interest in the horror and sci field. Yesterday I got the three first Alien movies and a copy of the Hammer horror film RASPUTIN starring Christopher Lee in a good change of pace role. I also got 3 tapes of the English TV series ARE YOU BEING SERVED? If you are a person with a lot of old VHS tapes and are planning to get rid of them I hope you give them to the Goodwill or some other thrift shop so that other film collectors who hung on to their old VCRs can buy them cheap. I think that would be better than throwing them out with the trash.

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