Tuesday, March 11, 2014

AMERICAN DRACULA Indian horror movie.

     A few days ago I found a movie on You Tube that reminded me of the butcher jobs of producer/director Jerry Warren. The film was was on an Indian channel and entitled AMERICAN DRACULA. The title card was in both English and Indian script.
     I soon discovered that the movie was the American 'Adult' film DRACULA SUCKS with all the nudity and sex cut completely out. 
     I guess they did not have very much film left over after taking out the adult footage so they edited into the film scenes from movie GHOULIES. Of course this movie is badly dubbed with Indian dialogue. The filmmakers also added a few songs from the 60's including SPIRIT IN THE SKY and DON'T YOU WANT SOMEBODY TO LOVE.
     There was no subtitles on the print I saw so I don't know if they addressed the fact that the film kept going back and fore from the Dracula movie which took place in the 20's and the ghoulies film which took place in the 80's. 
     The print I saw had awful color. I don't know if the film was released that way or if the person who posted it took if from a home recording. The film seems to be from a TV broadcast.
     By the way Dracula was played by adult film star Jamie Gillis who was pretty good in the role. The DRACULA SUCKS footage that this film was re cut from was fairly well made.

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