Friday, November 7, 2014

THE MONSTER'S FOOT. A short story


     No one knew where the strange creature came from or what exactly it was. It appeared one sunny day from the ocean and walked up to a beach in San Diego.
     The monster was as tall as a 50 story building. It was shaped something like an ape that walked upright but the head looked something like the head of an octopus with large yellow eyes. It was gray and hairless and had scales like a fish.
     The people on the beach ran away as they saw the huge thing rise from the ocean. As it walked toward the beach it blocked out the sun for several blocks ahead.
     It walked passed and away from the beach and walked toward the city.
     There was a panic as it walked down the street of city. Cars crashed into each other as people tried to speed away and those crashed ended up blocking the traffic and cars were unable to be driven away from the creature as it stalked through the streets.
     Many people abandon their cars and ran away.
     John Stockton was one of those people. He had crashed his car into the back of a taxi. The monster was very close and he run out of his car toward a building to shelter him self away from the giant beast.
     But as Stockton ran across the crowded street he tripped over a blind man who had fallen over as the crowd pushed him aside.
     The great monster was now nearly over him. It seem as if it was going to step over him.
     They said that just before a person dies their life flashes before their eyes.
     Stockton remembered something from 30 years ago. He was about five years old at the time.
     Everyday after breakfast Stockton's mother would send him out of the house to play so that he would be out of the way while she did the house work.
     The first thing he did each day after his mother pushed him out of the house was to go over to the corner of the patio where there was a big crack in the cement.
     There was an ant colony under that crack. Young Stockton would go there and stomp up and down on the ants.      First starting with the stray ones away from the colony and then he would stomp on as many as he could as the ants ran about in circles trying to get away from the feet of the young man. He would do that till he got bored.
     That is what he remembered as he watched the giant foot of the monster fall down upon him as it walked along the street as the crowds ran around in a panic.


Copyright 2014 By Teel.

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