Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Copyright 2013 By Teel.
This is a roughdraft of an novel in progress.
Please do not re print or re post without premission.


After Kaligari dropped off Alan he took the quickest road out of the city.
As he drove he passed a few police cars and they made him paranoid. He believed that the police and the government made want to take the body of the creature away from him now that people seen it walking around alive.
He remembered years ago seeing on television film of an autopsy being done on an alien body. Many people said that it was a fake film but Karligari was not so sure at this point.
He did not like the idea of someone cutting apart the creature.

Kaligari drove out of the city and for a few hours drove down a major highway. Every highway patrol car made him nervous. With the large sideshow sign painted on the side of his truck he knew he would be easy to spot if the order was made from someone to take the creature away from him.
He tried to remember if the shotgun hidden behind his car seat was loaded.

He drove the truck off the highway and for many hours he drove along the back roads passing small towns and old shacks in the middle of nowhere.

Out in the desert just before nightfall Kaligari parked the truck behind an old gasoline station that had been abandon about 20 years earlier when the new highway was open up and by passed it.
The owner of the gas station was a cousin twice removed from Kaligari. The cousin took his life savings after closing the gas station business and started over again in the East coast with a small taco joint.
Kaligari made a mental note to himself to visit his cousin next time he was out East.
Kaligari was very tired after his long drive and wrapped himself up in his blanket and went right to sleep in the cad of his truck. He would not awake until dawn the next morning.

The next morning Kaligari ate a can of beans straight from the can. After he did so he got out a shovel from the back of the truck and went to work digging a large hole in the ground behind the station.
He had a hard time dragging the creature out of the truck by himself. Also the ice had melted and now the poor animal smelled quite bad by now.
After dragging it into the grave he placed an old army blanket over the body of the creature and buried it over.
He took two pieces of boards he found and tied them together with a bit of twine to form a cross to mark the grave with.
He had second thoughts about marking the grave with a cross. He was not sure if aliens from space would know about God and Jesus. But finally he decided that he himself believed in God so that was the only reason he needed to place the cross there.
After he finished he looked over the grave and made a short prayer for the creature. Once again he was not sure it was the right thing to do. But it made him feel better to do it.
Kaligari drove his truck toward the East coast. He had plans to go visit his family and repaint his truck.
On the way to the East he also wanted to see a farmer he once met. The farmer told him that he had a two headed cow that had just died and was having it stuffed at the taxidermist.
Kaligari thought he made be able to make it into a new sideshow attraction.


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