Saturday, December 15, 2012

Copyright 2012 Teel
Roughdraft of a novel in progress.
Please do not reprint or repost without permission.


It was feeling very sick. The stuff it ate out of the metal box made it sick.
All it's joints hurt and it's eyes were becoming watery. It could hardly see.
It stood up from behind the trash bin and started to walk.
It hurt but it knew it had leave it's hiding place.
It had to find help somewhere from someone.

Cathy Johnson was getting ready to take her dog for a walk. She put on the tightest pair of shorts she had and a small shirt to show off her cleavage. Every day when she walked the dog they would run into a handsome tall man who would pet the dog on the head and tell them to have a good day.
Cathy wanted him to pay attention to her this time. She wanted him to pet her head and tell the dog to have a good day.
Frank the dog sat down by the door and was waiting for Cathy to take him for a walk. The shaggy dog always look forward to these walks. He was too big a dog for living in an apartment and liked walking in the park near the apartment.

It was standing near the opening of the alley way. It wanted to leave the alley and try to find someone to help it.
But it was afraid to walk out into the open. It could see the cars driving back and fore and people walking here and there along the sidewalk.
It wondered if it should just walk up to someone and try to get help.
Cathy was half way to the park with Frank when Frank started to bark. She had to hang on tight to his collar to keep him from trying to run off.

It saw the woman and her animal. It held it's arms up so that she could see that he was carrying no weapon. It walked toward her.

Cathy scream and let go of Frank's leash. The barking dog up to the green creature and attacked it.

It howled in pain as the animal attacked it. In blind fear it stuck out. It lifted the animal by the neck and threw it against a wall.
It stagger around for a few moments. It was in total pain and blood was flowing out of the wounds the animal made.
People were screaming on the street.
It fell to the sidewalk.
It tried to get up but could not do it.

A group of people surrounded the dying monster. They had their camera phones out and were taking pictures.
The first few times the creature tried to get up the crowd back off. But now it was obvious that the strange beast could not get up.
After a few minutes it stop trying. A by stander with a stick poked at the creature to see if he could make it move some more.
Leave him a lone!” Yelled Kaligari to the man with the stick. He walked to the man and pushed him away from the creature.
Who the hell do you...” The man's words were cut off when Kaligari punched him in the face so hard that the man almost fell backwards. Blood flowed out of his nose.
Anyone else got a problem with me!” Yelled Kaligari to the crowd. People back away but no one left and the people with the camera still kept taking pictures.
Alan joined Kaligari. Kaligari got down on one knee next to the creature.
He's badly hurt.” Stated Alan. “What can we do for him?”
I don't know. I have no idea how to help him.”
The creature moved it's head slightly and looked up at Kaligari.
It looked up at the hairy being kneeing down by it. It was saying something. It seem to know the voice but did not know from where.
It wondered if this being would help it. The hairy being seem to be the only one there that seem to care.
It's vision became blurry.
All became dark and it could not see anymore.

The eyes of the monster turned pale. It stopped all attempt to move.
Help me move him into the truck.”
Kaligari and Alan dragged the creature to the truck. As they dragged it away there was a trail of a greenish slime left behind from the wounds of the the dead monster. It had started to smell worst.
As they dragged it to the truck people fallowed behind them watching and some were still taking photos with their camera phones and some with small digital cameras.
They lifted the creature into the back of Kaligari's truck with the help of a husky young man who walked up and helped them lift the heavy monster.
The husky man got green slime on his white tee shirt and later on sold the shirt on Ebay for twenty five dollars.


Where are we going to go?” Asked Alan.
I want to get some ice. I don't want the poor thing to rot away like an old piece of meat.'
They drove to the Wal Mart and got two carts filled with ice cubes.
Once they got back to the truck they piled the bags of ice over the body of the creature.
Then Alan's cell phone rang.
It was Fred.
Alan you and Kaligari are all over the web.”
How can that be... Oh yeah there was a lot of people snapping pictures of us.”
Are you guys sure it's dead? Kaligari was fooled before.”
It seems dead. We're packing the body in ice right now.”
As Alan talked on the phone Kaligari was finishing the job of packing bags of ice over the creature. He then sat down next to it and looked very sad.
Fred I'll get back to you later. I have to get off the phone right now.”
Kaligari looked down on the dead creature and spoke to Alan.
That poor monster. I wished I had known it was alive. I would have treated better. It's awful that it died like that. All alone with a bunch of asses poking you with a stick.”
What are you going to do with it now?”
I don't know. I guess I could go on showing him at sideshows like I have been doing. But I just don't have the heart to do it anymore.”
Kaligari stood up.
Thanks for the help. I'll drop you off at home and I'm going to hit the road. I want to get far away from this city. I want to go away and to some thinking.”

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