Friday, November 30, 2012


Copyright 2012 By Teel.
This is a roughdraft of a novel in progress. 
Please do not reprint or repost without permission.                        


The big beat up couch in Alan and Fred's apartment was covered over with a large off white sheet. They found the couch in a vacant lot. They bought the sheet from a yard sale for two dollars.
Kaligari was sitting in the middle of the couch drinking a beer. Alan was sitting at his left eating a slice of pizza that had been sitting in the icebox for a week and a half and Fred was sitting on the other end of the couch and wondering if it was a good idea to bring Kaligari over to their apartment.
An old sci fi B movie was playing on television in front of them.
It's almost six o'clock.” Stated Alan. They were walking for the six o'clock news to come on so that they could see Kaligari's interview on the news.
At six o'clock the local news started. For about ten minutes they ran the usual sound bites of national and international news.
When they returned from the first commercial break they cut to newsman Tom Cellar standing in front of Kaligari's trunk. Kaligari was standing there with him.
Tom Cellar talked directly to the camera...
For the last few days there have been rumors of a strange alien creature wandering around the south side of the downtown area. A witness to this strange being has claimed that this creature came from the sideshow of Don Kaligari. Mr Kaligari what can you tell us about this monster?”
Well I would not call it a monster...”
That that moment a shot from an old black and white movie appeared. In the shot a young woman is screaming in terror.
...I believe the creature came from outer space...”
Then a shot of flying saucers appeared. Fred who watched a lot of old sci fi movies knew it was footage from the movie TEENAGERS FROM OUTER SPACE.
...Thousands of people saw it in my sideshow...”
They then clipped in a shot of Japanese people running in terror from an old Godzilla movie.
The whole interview Kaligari did was re edited for laughs with footage from various old sci fi movies of the fifties.
When the interview was over the three of them just sat there for a minute.
Well I guess the joke is on me.” Said Kaligari. “I have been trying for years to get someone to listen to me about the creature.”
They're bound to find that thing soon. Where could it hide in this city? Then people will know you were telling the truth.” Said Fred.
Kaligari stood up.
Well I'm not going to wait for someone else to find it. I'll getting into my truck and look around for it.”
I'll go along with you.” Said Alan. “How about you Fred? You want to go along?”
No I think I'll just stay here. Give me a call if you find the creature.”

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