This blog was recently called Mondo Manuscripts and was first known as Mondo-Tomica. I have written some books about odd motion pictures including THE SCHLOCK MOVIE BOOK and WEIRD MOVIES and some novels- Check them out on - For those of you who might notice some links and post have been removed due to software problems. Copyright 2011-2019 by Teel.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Boris Karloff as the Frankenstein Monster in THE BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN (1935) Photo is from a frame capture from the trailer.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Humphrey Bogart appeared in only one horror film and that was THE RETURN OF DR. X. He did not want to do this movie but was force to by the studio.
You have to give Bogart credit as an actor. He tried his best in the film to make his part interesting. But he was doomed by the bad B movie level screenplay. For most of the film Bogart is playing a supporting
role. He only comes to the forefront of the film toward the end when it was too late to help the film any.
With a better screenplay this would have been a nice change of pace role for Bogart instead of a film his fans want to forget.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Boris Karloff was a good actor and a credit to the horror movies. The frame capture above is from a trailer for a re release of FRANKENSTEIN(1931). His name was a box office draw. Even at the age of 80 and very sick a movie company made a deal with him to appear in four movies for them. Those movies would not have been worth watching without Karloff in them.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Three evil kittens from the 3 D movie CAT WOMEN OF THE MOON. I have also seen the film on local TV under the title ROCKET TO THE MOON. Formerly Cat women of the Moon it would say on the bottom of the screen. They did the same thing with a re release of Robot Monster. I use to see it every year at the San Diego Comic Con under the title Monster from Mars formerly Robot Monster.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Friday, November 1, 2013
The skull of the Vampire Woman after death from the movie CASTLE OF DOOM (1934). This film was a re edited version of VAMPYR dubbed into English.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Okay kids let me tell you about a time before you were born. In those days there was no DVD or Blu Ray disks. In fact there was no VHS machines like the one you saw at your grandparent's place.
In those days if you wanted to see a movie you went to a movie theater or saw whatever came on the Television. And what they had on TV was often cut up to remove nudity, gore and four letter words. Also they would cut a two hour film down to fit a 90 time slot and still have room to show a bunch of used car commercials.
If you wanted to collect movies you had to buy a 16mm or an 8mm projector and buy a print of your own to play on it.
Well prints of 16mm and even 8mm features costed a lot. So what the movie dealers started to do was to make and sell condensed versions of feature motion pictures. A feature of 90 minutes to 2 hours would be chopped down to about 9 minutes.
Castle Films was the most popular seller of these short prints. And they did a pretty good job of editing the movies. their print of FRANKENSTEIN is cut to 9 minutes and it still flows well story wise and has all the major scenes.
Castle Films and many of the other home movie sellers had sound prints of the movies but they also sold silent prints for a cheaper price to people with silent projectors.
The infamous PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE was sold as a 8 minute movie by some company in the United Kingdom. They sold both a sound and silent version. The silent version is the sound version without audio. Most of the home movie companies would add subtitles to their silent version but this company did not and it was just as well since there is very little talking in this version which has mostly action scenes.
This 8 minute version of PLAN 9 opens with the saucers flying over Hollywood and then there is the scene in which Mrs Trent is chased in the graveyard by both Bela Lugosi and Dr Tom Mason. The scene of Tor Johnson rising from the grave as a zombie also plays and Vampira appears in a few shots wandering around the graveyard. The police then show and and fight with the aliens and the spaceship blows up after take off. Criswell then appears for a few seconds as a dark out line with THE END superimposed over him.You can see this 8mm print of PLAN 9 on You Tube with this link and you can find other 8mm digest prints there by typing Castle Films 8mm in the browser.
Okay kids let me tell you about a time before you were born. In those days there was no DVD or Blu Ray disks. In fact there was no VHS machines like the one you saw at your grandparent's place.
In those days if you wanted to see a movie you went to a movie theater or saw whatever came on the Television. And what they had on TV was often cut up to remove nudity, gore and four letter words. Also they would cut a two hour film down to fit a 90 time slot and still have room to show a bunch of used car commercials.
If you wanted to collect movies you had to buy a 16mm or an 8mm projector and buy a print of your own to play on it.
Well prints of 16mm and even 8mm features costed a lot. So what the movie dealers started to do was to make and sell condensed versions of feature motion pictures. A feature of 90 minutes to 2 hours would be chopped down to about 9 minutes.
Castle Films was the most popular seller of these short prints. And they did a pretty good job of editing the movies. their print of FRANKENSTEIN is cut to 9 minutes and it still flows well story wise and has all the major scenes.
Castle Films and many of the other home movie sellers had sound prints of the movies but they also sold silent prints for a cheaper price to people with silent projectors.
The infamous PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE was sold as a 8 minute movie by some company in the United Kingdom. They sold both a sound and silent version. The silent version is the sound version without audio. Most of the home movie companies would add subtitles to their silent version but this company did not and it was just as well since there is very little talking in this version which has mostly action scenes.
This 8 minute version of PLAN 9 opens with the saucers flying over Hollywood and then there is the scene in which Mrs Trent is chased in the graveyard by both Bela Lugosi and Dr Tom Mason. The scene of Tor Johnson rising from the grave as a zombie also plays and Vampira appears in a few shots wandering around the graveyard. The police then show and and fight with the aliens and the spaceship blows up after take off. Criswell then appears for a few seconds as a dark out line with THE END superimposed over him.You can see this 8mm print of PLAN 9 on You Tube with this link and you can find other 8mm digest prints there by typing Castle Films 8mm in the browser.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
The latest San Diego Comic Con (AKA Comic Con International) will be happening next month.
For the first time since 1975 I will not be going.
It has become almost imposible to get a ticket to the event. I use to stand in line to buy a pass at the door with hundreds of others. It was unthinkable that there would be no more tickets at anypoint.
It has also become almost impossible to get a cheap place to stay in San Diego during the Con. When I first started to go to the Con you could rent a room for yourself at the host hotels (Which were nice places) for under 20 dollars a night. Later on when the rooms got a little more costly a group of say 8 to 10 people would rent a room for say four people and then all cram into it. I did not mind sleeping on the floor. I was younger and I only slept for a few hours before going off to a movie in the middle of the night at the Con all night film screenings.
The Comic Con use to be a nerd event for nerds by nerds. Things changed as the general public took notice of the Con. This was because a lot of the big Hollywood studios took notice of the Con and started to stage panels and host big name stars at the Con.
The Comic Con became a cool event to go to and be seen. Tickets to the con now disappear in a few minutes once they are offtered online.
Last year I got to go for one day. I spent the day inside the Convention Center and got to see a few panels and go to the World's Worst Cartoon Show.
The next day I hung around outside the Convention Center and watched the people wandering around in cosplay costumes.
If I still lived in San Diego I would still hang around outside the Convention Center to watch the crowds outside. I now live too far from San Diego to just go up to watch the crowds.
But this year I will not even be going to the Con to do that.
I will be watching videos of the Con on You Tube shot by others tho. Not the same as being there but I will get to see what is going on over there.
Good luck to all you who did get a ticket and a room. Be sure to upload your videos to You Tube.
For the first time since 1975 I will not be going.
It has become almost imposible to get a ticket to the event. I use to stand in line to buy a pass at the door with hundreds of others. It was unthinkable that there would be no more tickets at anypoint.
It has also become almost impossible to get a cheap place to stay in San Diego during the Con. When I first started to go to the Con you could rent a room for yourself at the host hotels (Which were nice places) for under 20 dollars a night. Later on when the rooms got a little more costly a group of say 8 to 10 people would rent a room for say four people and then all cram into it. I did not mind sleeping on the floor. I was younger and I only slept for a few hours before going off to a movie in the middle of the night at the Con all night film screenings.
The Comic Con use to be a nerd event for nerds by nerds. Things changed as the general public took notice of the Con. This was because a lot of the big Hollywood studios took notice of the Con and started to stage panels and host big name stars at the Con.
The Comic Con became a cool event to go to and be seen. Tickets to the con now disappear in a few minutes once they are offtered online.
Last year I got to go for one day. I spent the day inside the Convention Center and got to see a few panels and go to the World's Worst Cartoon Show.
The next day I hung around outside the Convention Center and watched the people wandering around in cosplay costumes.
If I still lived in San Diego I would still hang around outside the Convention Center to watch the crowds outside. I now live too far from San Diego to just go up to watch the crowds.
But this year I will not even be going to the Con to do that.
I will be watching videos of the Con on You Tube shot by others tho. Not the same as being there but I will get to see what is going on over there.
Good luck to all you who did get a ticket and a room. Be sure to upload your videos to You Tube.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
For years I heard of this film and I figured that I would never get to see it. Then came along home video recorders, cheap DVDs and You Tube. Now you can find rare movies like this if you keep looking around for it.
Happy hunting rare film fans.
For years I heard of this film and I figured that I would never get to see it. Then came along home video recorders, cheap DVDs and You Tube. Now you can find rare movies like this if you keep looking around for it.
Happy hunting rare film fans.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
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The CASINO THEATER now an ice cream and candy shop. |
In the mid 1980's I use to go to some old movie theaters in downtown San Diego. I got to see the last of the grindhouse movies as they call them now. Back then they were just trashy movies.
A theater I went to a lot was the CASINO on 5th. It was a run down theater. I saw movies there like THE ZOMBIE ISLAND MASSACRE, BLOOD HOOK, CREEPOZOIDS, THE HOWLING PART 2, and GODZILLA 1985.
A cross the street from the Casino was the Bijou and couple stores over from the Casino was the Azteca which showed adult movies. The Plaza Theater was a few blocks away where the Horton Plaza Mall now stands. The Plaza was sandwiched between two other rundown theaters. I do not remember the names of those theaters. Down the block from the Plaza was a theater that was open for only a few weeks that ran Chinese movies.
There was a handful of other theaters around the area. One theater was open every night till 5AM in the morning. I am sure the homeless of downtown slept there. Cheap grindhouses often double as motels for the homeless. At one 24 hour adult theater the snack bar sold soup. I'll sure it was for the homeless so that they could get something better than snackbar junk food to eat.
The home video recorder was the coffin nail for the grindhouse movie theaters. People stayed home to watch sleazy movies instead of going to rundown theaters in unsafe parts of town.
Last week I was in downtown San Diego and wandered around for awhile. I stopped off at an ice cream place that use to be the Casino theater. What use to be a rundown theater that showed trashy movies now sold tasty ice cream sundaes and candies. I had a sundae and enjoyed it.
I asked the hostess there if anyone ever asked for the old movie theater. She was surprised when I told her that I use to go there to watch 3rd rate movies.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
So when I read somewhere that there was a movie called FRANKENSTEINS KUNG FU MONSTER I had to seek it out.
I had trouble finding information about the movie at first. It made me think that it was a fake title. I then spotted a copy of the poster I have posted above.
I finally found the movie under that title on You Tube. It seem to be a Japanese TV action show that was re edited into a movie and dubbed in German,
I was disappointed that it was not a trashfest that I thought it was going to be. You imagine with a title like that it would feature a flat headed maniac beating people with kung fu.
Another exsample of a exploitation film that can not live up to it's title.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Copyright 2013 By Teel.
This is a roughdraft of an novel in progress.
Please do not re print or re post without premission.
After Kaligari dropped off Alan he took the quickest road out of the city.
As he drove he passed a few police cars and they made him paranoid. He believed that the police and the government made want to take the body of the creature away from him now that people seen it walking around alive.
He remembered years ago seeing on television film of an autopsy being done on an alien body. Many people said that it was a fake film but Karligari was not so sure at this point.
He did not like the idea of someone cutting apart the creature.
Kaligari drove out of the city and for a few hours drove down a major highway. Every highway patrol car made him nervous. With the large sideshow sign painted on the side of his truck he knew he would be easy to spot if the order was made from someone to take the creature away from him.
He tried to remember if the shotgun hidden behind his car seat was loaded.
He drove the truck off the highway and for many hours he drove along the back roads passing small towns and old shacks in the middle of nowhere.
Out in the desert just before nightfall Kaligari parked the truck behind an old gasoline station that had been abandon about 20 years earlier when the new highway was open up and by passed it.
The owner of the gas station was a cousin twice removed from Kaligari. The cousin took his life savings after closing the gas station business and started over again in the East coast with a small taco joint.
Kaligari made a mental note to himself to visit his cousin next time he was out East.
Kaligari was very tired after his long drive and wrapped himself up in his blanket and went right to sleep in the cad of his truck. He would not awake until dawn the next morning.
The next morning Kaligari ate a can of beans straight from the can. After he did so he got out a shovel from the back of the truck and went to work digging a large hole in the ground behind the station.
He had a hard time dragging the creature out of the truck by himself. Also the ice had melted and now the poor animal smelled quite bad by now.
After dragging it into the grave he placed an old army blanket over the body of the creature and buried it over.
He took two pieces of boards he found and tied them together with a bit of twine to form a cross to mark the grave with.
He had second thoughts about marking the grave with a cross. He was not sure if aliens from space would know about God and Jesus. But finally he decided that he himself believed in God so that was the only reason he needed to place the cross there.
After he finished he looked over the grave and made a short prayer for the creature. Once again he was not sure it was the right thing to do. But it made him feel better to do it.
Kaligari drove his truck toward the East coast. He had plans to go visit his family and repaint his truck.
On the way to the East he also wanted to see a farmer he once met. The farmer told him that he had a two headed cow that had just died and was having it stuffed at the taxidermist.
Kaligari thought he made be able to make it into a new sideshow attraction.
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