Wednesday, June 19, 2013


     The latest San Diego Comic Con (AKA Comic Con International) will be happening next month.
     For the first time since 1975 I will not be going.
     It has become almost imposible to get a ticket to the event. I use to stand in line to buy a pass at the door with hundreds of others. It was unthinkable that there would be no more tickets at anypoint.
     It has also become almost impossible to get a cheap place to stay in San Diego during the Con. When I first started to go to the Con you could rent a room for yourself at the host hotels (Which were nice places) for under 20 dollars a night. Later on when the rooms got a little more costly a group of say 8 to 10 people would rent a room for say four people and then all cram into it. I did not mind sleeping on the floor. I was younger and I only slept for a few hours before going off to a movie in the middle of the night at the Con all night film screenings.
    The Comic Con use to be a nerd event for nerds by nerds. Things changed as the general public took notice of the Con. This was because a lot of the big Hollywood studios took notice of the Con and started to stage panels and host big name stars at the Con.
     The Comic Con became a cool event to go to and be seen. Tickets to the con now disappear in a few minutes once they are offtered online.
     Last year I got to go for one day. I spent the day inside the Convention Center and got to see a few panels and go to the World's Worst Cartoon Show.
     The next day I hung around outside the Convention Center and watched the people wandering around in cosplay costumes.
     If I still lived in San Diego I would still hang around outside the Convention Center to watch the crowds outside. I now live too far from San Diego to just go up to watch the crowds.
     But this year I will not even be going to the Con to do that.
     I will be watching videos of the Con on You Tube shot by others tho.  Not the same as being there but I will get to see what is going on over there.
     Good luck to all you who did get a ticket and a room. Be sure to upload your videos to You Tube.

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