Sunday, September 30, 2012


Copyright 2012 by Teel
This is a rough draft of a novel in progress.
Please do not re post or re print without permission.


Gloria was lying nude on the bed. She was half drunk and ready.
Larry quickly pulled off his underwear and climbed on top of her. He started to kiss her.
He had been thinking about doing this for the last three day while he was out of town on business.
Larry was just about to enter when their daughter Pan screamed.
Within 3 seconds Pan ran into the bedroom.
Mom! Dad! There's a monster in the alley!”
They quickly threw the bed sheet over their selves.
Pan ran over to her mother's side of the bed.
Mom I saw a monster! Really it's in the alley!”
Calm down sweetheart. You had a dream.”
Yeah go back to bed. You're ten you're acting like a baby.” Larry was a little annoyed that their daughter interrupted things.
I really saw it. It's real.” She sobbed.
It alright honey.” Said Gloria. “You can stay with mommy and daddy tonight and you'll feel better tomorrow. Come on you can lie down next to me.”
Pan climbed into bed next to her mother.
Larry rolled over to his side facing away from his wife and daughter and pretended to go to sleep. He was to annoyed to talk to them right now.
He would feel better in the morning after their daughter went off to have a bowl of cereal for breakfast and left them alone for awhile.

In an alley way a block over the creature was hiding behind a trash bin. The screams of the little girl scared it and it wanted to hide for awhile.


It was Monday morning and Fred and Alan were driving to the supermarket. There was a special on hot dogs and can goods. They needed to stock up for the week.
On the way to the store they were driving pass the strip mall when the carnival was.
Everyone with the carnival was gone expect for Kaligari. His truck was still there. Kaligari was sitting on the wood steps that led to the back of his truck.
Look. Kaligari is still there.” Alan pointed out to Fred was not interested in the least. “He looks upset.”
He must of just realized that he could have made more money in the carnival business selling deep fried candy bars.”
I'm going to see what's up with him.”
No. I don't want to talk to him I think he's crazy.”
You don't have to talk to him.”
Alan drove his pick up into the parking lot of the strip mall. He drove up to Kaligari's truck.
I'll be right back. I'll just talk to him a minute.” Said Alan as he got out of the pick up.
Fred decided to get out too. He knew Alan's minute would become 15 minutes and he did not want to be sitting in the car waiting for him.
Kaligari was sitting on the wood steps leading to the back of his truck. He was sitting there looking sad and did not at first seem to noticed them. He then looked up as they got closer.
He stood up and talked to Alan with a tone of great pain in his voice.
Someone has stolen him. I woke up this morning and it was gone.”
Someone stole the alien?” Alan was amazed at the news.
Yes he's gone.”
As Alan and Kaligari talked Fred walked up the steps and looked into the back of the truck.
Did you call the police?”
Asked Alan.
No I don't want to talk to the police. Every time I talk to the police it ends up bad.”
Okay what's the scam?” Stated Fred to him.
What scam?”
There's only one set of foot prints back there and the door was busted from the inside...Are you trying to get on the news?”
One foot prints? It would take two men to carry him out. He's heavy and I don't try to talk to the news people anymore they don't care about him.”
The footprints in there are not from shoes. They're not human. Are you trying to fool people into thinking it came to life?”
How could it come to life? He's dead. He's been dead since I found him. Why are you talking about?”
Kaligari was very upset at that point. Fred looked into his eyes and saw that he was talking to a man who really believed that the thing he had in the back of the truck was real and now he believed that the creature was gone.
I'm sorry Mr. Kalgari. I misunderstood what was happening here.”
Fred now believed for sure that Kaligari was a mentally ill man.

Kaligari, Fred and Alan were sitting together at the taco joint at the strip mall.
They were sharing a large nachos that was on special and debating on who and why would anyone steal the alien.
I have not idea who would steal it. It's not like there's a black market for that sort of thing.” Said Karigari.
Maybe someone wanted to set up his own sideshow with it.” Suggested Alan to him.
Fred was convinced that Karigari was a mentally ill man. He believed that kaligar himself removed the thing from his truck. He decided to ask Kaligari some questions and see what he was thinking.
Kaligari when I looked into your truck I noticed that the plastic sheet that covered the box the alien was in was pulled in instead of being pulled off.”
What do you mean?”
It looks like someone pulled the plastic in from inside the box. Also there was the one set of foot prints.”
That makes no sense. It would take two guys to carry him away. He is heavy.”
Yes. Well the foot prints did not seem to be that of a human being...Are you sure that thing was dead?” Fred looked closely at Kaligari to see his reaction to that.
Of course it was dead. It was dead when I found it. It has never moved. It doesn't breath. It stinks like a pile of dead fish.”
Could it have been in a coma.” Said Alan. “Maybe the cold put it in a coma and when the temperature dropped it awoke.”
No I tell you that thing was dead.”

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