Sunday, September 23, 2012


Copyright 2012 by Teel
This is a rough draft of a nove in progress.
Please do not reprint or repost without permission.


Janet was surprised when her boyfriend Jack called her at 4 in the morning to give him a ride home.
She threw on some clothes quickly and got into her car to go pick him up.
Many times over the last two years that she knew him she told him to call her when he was drinking. She did not want him to be driving around drunk.
He always told her that no one needed to drive him after a night at the bars. That only drunks could not drive after drinking.
She always feared that someday she would have to go see him in the drunk tank or the morgue from drinking and driving.
She drove to Yellow Ave and found him sitting in his car which was parked by RED'S BAR AND BURGERS.
Jack got out of his car and got into her car.
Thanks for picking me up Pet.”
He did not seem very drunk. She seen him drive home in much worst shape.
It's okay. Anytime you need me.”
They drove away.
Janet could tell something was not right. He seem to be upset but was trying to hide it.
I'm ...I'm giving drinking for awhile.” He stated.
Why?” She asked. She really wanted to cheer. But she was wondering why he all of a sudden wanted to not drink.
I'm starting to see things. I was driving along and I saw someone standing in the middle of the street.”
What was he doing?” was just standing there. It wasn't a man...It was a creature of some sort I saw. It couldn't have been real. It was some sort of a monster.”
A monster? Really?” She was getting worried. He never talked like this before when he drank.
As I drove up near it the thing ran away. It was a large green monster. It ran into the alley. After it ran away I parked the car and called you.”
I'm glad you did.”
I knew when I saw that I was too drunk to drive. I'm going to give up drinking for awhile.”
They drove home and went right to the bed room.
Before he fell asleep he asked Janet to not turn off the lights.

It stayed in the alley way for a long time. From time to time it would peek out for there to see if there was anymore of those weird things that it saw out there.
A little while earlier it had encountered a metal craft on wheels. It almost hit it. It saw some sort of creature into of the craft.
The creature looked around the dark alley that it was hiding in. It walked toward the other end of the alley to see if there was anything there that it should be aware of.
In the darkness the creature walked into some trashcans. The cans fell over and made a great deal of noise. Things fell out of the cans and the creature stood back. It did not know what to make of the cans or the things that had fell out.
The alley was filled with a dim light. They creature looked up and saw a window. The light was coming from that window. The small figure of a young girl open the window up and looked down into the alley at the creature.
She screamed in horror as the creature ran away down the alley leading to the next street over.


Gloria was lying nude on the bed. She was half drunk and ready.
Larry quickly pulled off his underwear and climbed on top of her. He started to kiss her.
He had been thinking about doing this for the last three day while he was out of town on business.
Larry was just about to enter when their daughter Pan screamed.
Within 3 seconds Pan ran into the bedroom.
Mom! Dad! There's a monster in the alley!”
They quickly threw the bed sheet over their selves.
Pan ran over to her mother's side of the bed.
Mom I saw a monster! Really it's in the alley!”
Calm down sweetheart. You had a dream.”
Yeah go back to bed. You're ten you're acting like a baby.” Larry was a little annoyed that their daughter interrupted things.
I really saw it. It's real.” She sobbed.
It alright honey.” Said Gloria. “You can stay with mommy and daddy tonight and you'll feel better tomorrow. Come on you can lie down next to me.”
Pan climbed into bed next to her mother.
Larry rolled over to his side facing away from his wife and daughter and pretended to go to sleep. He was to annoyed to talk to them right now.
He would feel better in the morning after their daughter went off to have a bowl of cereal for breakfast and left them alone for awhile.

In an alley way a block over the creature was hiding behind a trash bin. The screams of the little girl scared it and it wanted to hide for awhile.

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