Sunday, September 9, 2012


Copyright 2012 By Teel
This is a roughdraft of a novel in progress.
Please do not reprint for repost without permission.


     It was very cold.
     And it was dark.
     For a long time all it could feel was the coldness.
     The darkness seem to last forever.
     It remembered talking to a holy person once when it was young and the holy person told him that if someone led a bad life that when it died it would go to a world of never ending darkness and cold.
     Did it lead such a bad life that it would end up in a place like that?
     It felt tired and sick. It's body felt numb. It tried to move it's arms and legs but at first they would not move.
Finally it was able after much effort to slowly move it's arms and legs.
     when it started to move it realized that it was in a pool of cold water.
     How did it end up there? Did the craft land in a ocean? Was it at the bottom of some alien ocean?
     It rocked it's body slowly to the left and to the rightIt stretched out it's arms and reached around it self.
     It was in a box of some sort.
     It reached upward over it self and felt a covering of some sort.
     It pushed it's hands upward and pushed though the plastic cover. It ripped the cover apart and placed it's hands on the upper edges of the box and slowly pulled it self up into a sitting position.
     It felt better sitting up. It could breath better. The air smelled a little strange to it.
     The room was lite by a dim light. It's eyes at first had trouble focusing. But as the eyes got use to the dim light it could see that it was in a box and was surrounded by the walls of a bigger box.
     Was it in a tomb of some sort. The holy person told him that when the end times come the dead would raise and be judge according to how they acted in life.
     It slowly crawled out of the box. It was in a great deal of pain. It did not want to move but it made it self move. It did not was to stay in the small box or the tomb like bigger box.
     It placed it's feet on the floor. It's feet hurt. It hung on to the small box for support and it got use to standing up again.
     Once it got use to standing it slowly moved it's legs and walked toward the walks of the room it found it self in.
It moved it's arms over the side of the walls. It was looking for a doorway or an opening of some sort.
Finally it found the handle to the back door of the truck.
It looked the handle over in the dim light and moved it around. The door was lock and would not open.
     The creature pushed it's body against the door. It pushed with all it's might.
     The pad lock snapped and the door flew open. The creature was unprepared for the doors swinging open and it fell down the stairs that led to the back of the truck.
     It a about five minutes the thing laid there in total pain. Every part of it hurt.
     The first rush of pain faded and it looked around it self.
     It was dark like in the back of the truck.
     But there was strange building with light shining out of them.
     The creature realized that it was not on it's home planet or a planet that it knew of.
     In spite of the pain the creature made it self stand up and it staggered away.
     It wanted to find some where to hide for awhile till it could figure out what was going on.

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