Tuesday, May 17, 2011


     THE RETURN OF DR. X is a badly written mystery horror movie of just about 62 minutes. It would have been forgotten today had  not had actor Humphrey Bogart not been casted in the title role as a mad scientist that is brought back to life.
     For most of the motion picture Bogart is in a supporting  role in the film. It is not till about halfway thur the  movie that it is reveal that Bogart is a killer scientist that everyone believes is dead.
     Bogart did not want to make this movie but was force to by the studio heads to make it.
    In spite of the poor screenplay Bogart does the best he could with his role. He tries to make the character interesting. But since he is mostly in the background till about halfway thur the 62 minute film he does not emerge as a full character till near the end of the film. By then it was too late to make the movie interesting.

Humphrey Bogart in his only horror film.

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