Wednesday, May 18, 2011

THE LATE GREAT CREATURE: A Novel by Brock Brower.

     I just learned that the novel THE LATE GREAT CREATURE by Brock Brower is going to be back in print soon in paper book. The novel had been first printed in 1971. There was a paperback edition at the time after the hardback printing but I do not think it had been reprinted anywhere since then.
     This is a good novel for fans of old time horror movies of the era of Karloff and Lugosi.
     The main character of the novel is Simon Moro an old time horror movie actor who is  making an cheap horror movie.
     The strange Moro had made famous horror films such as GHOULANTUA and the GILA MAN series as well as a monster in an unnamed Abbott and Costello movie as a monster.
     You can pre buy the novel on or it's pretty easy to find a second hand copy also from Amazon.

Cover of the upcoming paperback reprint.

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