Saturday, April 30, 2011


     As I wrote in another post the most important parts of an exploitation movie is the outrageous title and the eye catching poster.      Film titles like I WAS A TEENAGE FRANKENSTEIN, THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE, and BILLY THE KID VS DRACULA makes you want to see them in spite in the back of your mind you know that you are being pulled in by a title and poster that you know the film will not live up to in most cases.
     THE WRESTLING WOMEN VS THE AZTEC MUMMY was one of those titles that I would see in the TV GUIDE and wished that we had cable TV. I grew up in an area of San Diego without cable TV and in L.A. they were always playing the English dubbed Mexican imports of K. Gordon Marray.
     I finally got to see the film for the first time in the form of an edited down version from RHINO VIDEO under the title ROCK AND ROLL WRESTLING WOMEN VS THE AZTEC MUMMY. This video version cut the film down to an hour and added funny rewritten versions of old rock and roll songs of the fifties. These songs mostly played over the wrestling ring scenes.
     I later on got to see the film in it's regular English dub version when SOMETHING WEIRD VIDEO released a DVD of it.
     The film features beautiful wrestling women, Chinese stereo type villains and a Aztec mummy monster. And yet it's not as exciting as you would hope for. But then again how could you live up to a title like that?

The Aztec mummy Monster from WRESTLING WOMEN VS THE AZTEC MUMMY.

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