Friday, April 8, 2011


     Masked wrestlers are popular in Mexico and the most famous of the Masked Mexican wrestlers was El Santo (The Saint) who had a long career as both a wrestler in the ring and as an action film star in a long series of movies in which he played himself as a masked wrestler who fights against both crime and monsters.
     One of the best known of El Santo's movies was the horror movie EL SANTO CONTRA LAS VAMPIRES (1962) In which El Santo battles a group of vampire women who want to turn a living woman into vampire to join their group.
     One of the highlight scenes in this film is in the wrestling ring. Santo is wrestling with another masked wrestler who has been replaced with one of the vampire women's henchmen. Santo rips off the mask of the henchman and he has the face of werewolf. Not a whole head mind you just the face of the actor is made up and he is bare chested. This werewolf does not even have a lot of chest hair. The police jump into the ring once the werewolf is unmasked and he escapes by turning into a bat and flying off.
     Producer K. Gordon Murray imported this movie to the United States and when the film was dubbed El Santo's name was re dubbed as Samson. The film was re named SAMSON VS. THE VAMPIRE WOMEN and played for years on local television broadcast. Speaking of dubbing even tho Santo's name is changed for the English version you can still hear the Mexican crowd in the wrestling scenes chanting the name Santo.
Mexcian wrestler El Santo in the movie SAMSON VS THE VAMPIRE WOMEN.

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