Friday, January 13, 2017


     I think most Coleman Francis fans have heard the story of how director Ray Dennis Steckler found his friend Francis on the streets outside of the Hollywood Market and hired him for a day on his latest film to help him out.

     The movie was BODY FEVER (1969) and is worth looking for to see Francis' scenes. He has two scenes and plays a business man who's laundromat is closing up and hangs around the empty business for some reason.


     Francis also appeared in Stecklers' children comedy THE LEMON GROVE KIDS MEET THE MONSTERS (1965) this film was made up of various short films and Francis appears in two very different parts. One as a B movie style gangster and the other part is as an odd man who wears a strange hat. Both movies are worth seeing for Francis fans since he has real roles in them and not just simple walk ons like he had in KILLERS FROM SPACE or THIS ISLAND EARTH.

(Reprinted from THE COLEMAN FRANCIS TRIPLE FEATURE page on Facebook)

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