Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Behind the scenes at DRACULA VS FRANKENSTEIN. Director Al Adamson in the center.

     DRACULA VS FRANKENSTEIN is a drive in classic directed by Al Adamson. It features Lon Chaney Jr, Angelo Rossito, J. Carrol Naish and John Bloom a seven foot four inch tall actor as the Frankenstein monster.
     The film was shot in small parts and in the first version there was no Dracula or Frankenstein monster. The monsters were added to the movie later on.
     The film is known in Europe as THE BLOOD OF FRANKENSTEIN and is not to be confused with two other films in Europe that uses the title of DRACULA VS FRANKENSTEIN and I have seen a VHS video tape of the movie under the title REVENGE OF DRACULA.
     I have also seen ads for the film under the title of TEENAGE DRACULA. Those ads insist that the film is a musical.

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