Saturday, July 16, 2016


     Into the pawnshop walked Leo Mackson. He placed his pawn ticket down on the pawnbroker's desk. Leo was in a hurry.
     "I'm here to recollect my memories." He told the pawnbroker. He tried not to act like a pushy jerk. He often acted like a pushy jerk and was trying to break the habit.      "I am sorry young man. But you are a day late and your memory tapes were bought up very quickly by a young lady this morning. She was waiting at the door this morning when I open up this morning."
     "Damn!" Yelled Leo out loud. Then he remembered he was trying to stop acting like a jerk.
"Sorry. But dammit. For the last month those blank spots in my mind have been driving me crazy. I'd pass the park or some restaurant or something and I hear the ringing in my ears and wonder what that place meant to me."
Leo regretted pawning his memories. But he had no other way to quickly raise the money he needed to cover his credit card debts.
     The pawnbroker pulled out a card from behind his desk.
     "The day you placed your memories here this young lady came in and gave me her card and told me to call her should you not reclaim them. She is the one who bought them this morning. Maybe she will sell them back to you. It couldn't hurt to try."
     He handed Leo the card. As Leo looked at the name on the card he had a strange feeling as if one of those blank spots in his mind were bothering him again. There was the ringing in his ears once again.
     Leo's ears were ringing loud when he walked up to the big white house. When the red headed woman open the door the ringing got louder. He knew that there was something here he should be remembering. "It's good to see you again Leo. I only wish you knew who I was."
     "Who are you?" The ringing in his ears told him that she must of been someone he knew. "Please come in and we'll talk." As Leo walked in he saw that there was a memory recorder/player sitting on a table in the living room. Leo figured she must of rented it somewhere since it was a high class device. Not one of those cheap home models that many people had. It was all set up and ready to use as if she was waiting for someone to come over and use it. "My name is by the way Janet. You knew that at one time. Till about a month ago we were lovers. Then we had a fight and you moved out."
     "I lived here?" He looked around the living room. He could not imagine living in such a nice place. The ringing in his ears was endless.
     "Yes you did. Put on the headpiece and I'll play back your memories tapes of me." For almost a hour Leo sat there reliving their love affair. After the tape ran out Leo noticed that the memory recorder was not set on playback but was set on memory injection. His memories of Janet and what she had meant to him had now returned to his mind. The ringing was gone. Leo walked up to Janet and gave her a kiss. 

     Later that night Leo asked Janet what was it that they had fought about.
     "It was over another woman you were seeing. You were cheating on me."
    "Who? I don't remember another woman." A slight ringing was in his ears.
    "I know you don't remember her. I erased that part from the memory tape."


Copyright 2016 By Teel. Please do not reprint or repost without permission.

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