Wednesday, September 30, 2015


     No I can not tell you the name of the movie theater. You got to remember that I was still drinking in those days and my mind was in a fog every minute of the day every day of the week.
     In those days before I quit drinking I would every morning start wondering around downtown looking for cans and plastic bottles to recycle. Of course there was a bunch of us downtown doing that so I had to look all day in all the trashcan. I would stop to have a drink from time to time from my bottle that was left over from the night before.
     I always kept my eye open for the police. If they caught you with an open bottle in public they would pour it out. In those days I would have rather been hit over the head with a billy club than lose my bottle of wine.

     About an hour before night fall I would take the cans and bottles to a recycle yard near the water front and would cash them in.
     Next I would stop at a liquor store on Main street that I liked for some reason. I got all my wine there.
In those days I would wear my big old jacket that had the torn lining on the inside of the left side. I would slip my bottle into that tear in the lining so that no one could see the bottle in plain sight.

     I would then walk a block over to the corn of Market Street and Glass street. Market in those days was an awful block. A lot of the stores were boarded up or closed up because the places would be out of business. There was a lot of junk shops. By night fall what few businesses there was would be closed up and just about no one would be walking around the street out there.
     The only business that was open on that block after dark was a rundown movie theater. Really rundown. It looked like it was going to fall over with the next rain storm.
When I would get there would be a lot of people like me. Winos and junkies and others who had no where to stay after dark.
     A really tall man with grey hair would open the door and every night would yell the same thing to the crowd there:
     "Admission is five dollars each and anyone making trouble will be thrown out of the theater. We close at 6AM."
     I would always buy a hot dog or two from the dirty looking snack bar. It was run by a large angry looking woman. I don't know why she was always angry looking. No one I can recall dared try to annoy her. She looked too mean.
     Many of the people who came to the theater came every night like I did and everyone had a favorite spot to sit. I like to sit near the back near the door against the wall. When I dozed off I would lean against the wall.
No one would sit near me so I felt safe there.
     They ran only one movie at this theater. I guess since the place was mostly a flop house for the homeless they figured it did not matter what film they ran. It was a cheap looking slasher horror movie. I saw that film every night that I slept in that theater. I saw it hundreds of times over a two year span of time.
     The print of the film was really beat up and full of splices and jump cuts. It was called something like BIKINI GIRLS GET KILLED.
     I would drink from my bottle and watch the movie every night till I passed out. Many times I would wake up again and drink some more as I watched more of it.
     I can remember every bit of that movie. I can replay the whole thing in my head. It was about a maniac in a rubber skull mask who killed women in bikinis. Every time a woman would put on a bikini you knew she was going to die within five minutes.
     "Mr Johnson I need to go back to the office. Thanks for talking to me."
     "No problem. Has your boss said anything about me leaving here soon?"
     "No not yet. I will let you know if he tells me anything about it."

     Doctor Jones left the small room and made sure to lock the door behind him before returning to the office.
     At the office he was met by Dr. Brown the head of the mental hospital.
     "How is he today?" He asked Dr. Jones.
     "Pretty much the same. He still believes that the murders were scenes from movie that he believe he saw somewhere."


Copyright 2015 By Teel

Please do not reprint or repost without permission. 

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