Sunday, April 26, 2015

THE SILENT VOICE. A short story.


     Tor's Quik Kash was just about the most seedy pawnshop on Warroff Street. When Omar Steele walked into the place he really had no intentions of buying anything there. He was low on cash and just wanted to kill some time till the movie theater down the street open. The first show of the day was only a dollar ninety nine.
     He was walking pass the glass showcase of knives when he first heard it. It was a voice like that of a young woman. Sweet and low the voice called out his name. It startle him. Mainly because women rarely spoke to him.
     The last one to speak to him only wanted to inform him that she would call the police if he did not leave her alone.
     Omar looked around but could not see any women in the seedy shop. The only other person there was the pawnbroker who was reading the race form at his desk. It had been a slow day for him and he was bored.
     He did not bother to get up when Omar walked in because Omar looked like a broke waste of time to the broker.
     Omar then heard the voice again. He looked into the showcase of knives. The sweet voice was coming from the glass case. Among the knives in the case was a unique dagger.
     It was eight inches long and it had a fancy carved whalebone handle. The voice seem to be coming from the dagger. Omar found that strange. He could not recall ever hearing a knife speak to him.
     "Omar." It silently said to him. "Buy me. Take me home with you."
     Omar stared at the strange dagger for the next five minutes. To him it seem like a thing of beauty. He paid the pawnbroker twenty dollars and took the dagger home with him.
     The pawnbroker was glad to see Omar leave. He did not like the looks of him. He looked too odd with his staring into the display case and mumbling to himself.

     Later that night in Omar's shabby apartment the dagger talked to him once again. Omar had been waiting for over three hours for it to speak to him once again.
     "Take me out Omar. Put me in your pocket and we will go out for a walk."
     That is what it told him. He did what it asked him.
Together they walked out into the night.
     They walked for quite awhile. Back and fore around the block they aimlessly wondered. It was becoming late.            Normally steele did not like walking alone at night. But with the dagger in his pocket he did not feel alone. At three in the morning there was few other people out on Warroff Street.
     The only other person walking along that block where Omar was walking on was Mary Gibson. She was a cocktail waitress. She was walking home alone from work. Weighted down by bill that her ex husband left behind she was unable to afford a car of any sort.
     No one in the surrounding buildings could hear the dagger calling out to Omar. Urging him on as he stabbed the woman. But everyone could hear the screams of the dying waitress.

     The police were at Omar's door. They were calling for him to give himself up.
They knew it was him.
     People looking out their windows saw him do it. Many people knew Omar by sight. They told the police where he could be found.
     "What can I do?" Omar cried out to his bloodstain dagger.
     It said nothing to him. It was silent.
     "Tell me please...What can I do?" Omar was crying now.
     "Use me." Said the dagger. "Kill yourself and they can never arrest you."
     When the police forced open the door to Omar's apartment they found him dead in a pool of his own blood.
     The dagger was in his still warm hand.


Copyright 2015 By Teel.

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