Tuesday, April 7, 2015

FOR $10,000. A short story.

FOR $10,000

Copyright 2015 by Teel

     In the back pages of a large city newspaper there was a small plain ad listed the personal section.
     It read: Men and women wanted who will do anything legal for $10,000 in cash. No selling or hard work. No fee will be asked for.
     An open meeting will be held today at 3PM. Only the first 300 people will be seated at this meeting.
     The ad ended with the address of a nice hotel located in the downtown area. People answering the ad were to meet in a large meeting hall there.
     The room was set up with 300 folding chairs. A little more than half of them were full.

     At 3 o'clock the doors of the hall were closed by a pair of tall men in black suits. They stood by the door and looked forward to the front of the room.
     At the front of the room was a desk with a man dressed in white sitting there next to a pile of papers and a large box. Next to this desk was a microphone on a stand.
     The man in white stood up and walked up to the microphone and began to speak.

     "Will everyone here still wandering around the room please sit down. There should be enough chairs for everyone. I do not believe the room has been filled.
     If not it will not matter. This will be a short talk in any case. My assistants shall soon be locking the doors to this room and one will be allowed to leave the room until the end of my talk with you. So if anyone wishes to make use of the restroom now would be the time to do so."
     He stood there for a minute. No one seem to want to leave the room. He waved at the men in the dark suits and they locked the door of the hall.
     The man in white once again began to speak.
     "You are all here because you read or heard of an ad I placed in the newspaper. Everything in that ad is true. And within an hour you can leave this room with ten thousand dollars in cash. The only way you will leave this room without the money is if you do not want to take it. No one here will force you to take the money."
     "I am not going to tell you my name. You do not need to know it and most of you could not be able to pronounce it in any case. If I was to give out my name I would soon become the target of many kooks and weirdos. I am a business man and do not want to have my time taken up by such people."
     "I am going to cut right to the facts of why I am here talking to you. These are facts you may not believe. But you do not have to believe anything I said today to make ten thousand dollars. You do not even have to pretend to believe anything I tell you and you will still walk out of here with ten thousand dollars in cash without having to do anything but write down your name. You do not even have to use your real name if you wish. I do not care. I will not ask to see an I.D."
     "I am acting as an agent of the Devil. Yes the Devil. The Evil One. The Beast of the Pit. Whatever you wish to call him. Young lady will you please sit back down. The doors are going to stay locked until I am finished. I told you all this at the beginning of this meeting. No one is here to hurt anyone. I will be finished soon and you and anyone else who wants to may leave right away. In fact I would want you to leave. People who do not want the money will just be in the way at that point."
     "I am not a crazy man. But even if I was I still have a few million dollars in cash right here and I will give ten thousand dollars in cash to anyone who is willing to just sign their name to a simple contact that states that you will hand over you soul after death to me to sell, trade or use as I wish. Nothing else at all is require and no you do not have to sign with your blood. This is not some cheap occult movie."
     "This is completely confidential. No one outside of room will know about this and you will never be bother by any representative of my organization in your lifetime how ever long that may be. I promise you that."
     "If you still think that I am crazy that is alright. Go ahead and believe so if that will make you feel better about this offer. You will still make ten thousand dollars in cash if you want it. You do not have to believe a single word I say to you today.
     "A lot of you in this room may be going to Hell anyway. Why not earn some money for it if you are going anyway. Money to spend and enjoy in this lifetime. And for those of you who do not believe in God anyway. What have you got to lose? You got a lot to gain and nothing to lose with this deal. As I stated nothing will be required of you in your life time. Many of you I believe will lead long lives."
     "The doors will now be open and anyone who wishes to leave may now do so. Everyone else please form a single line in front of that table where my helpers will be sitting and waiting to help you. I have cash waiting for you just as soon as you sign you name. That is all you have to do. Sign and a stack of cash will be handed to you."
     "And like I said. If you wish you do not have to use your correct name on the contract. It is alright to use a fake name."
     "When the time comes no matter what name you use we will find you."

     The doors of the hall were opened up just then and a quite a few people went out of the place in a hurry.
Meanwhile a long line formed in front of the desk.


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