Wednesday, June 22, 2011


     The movie grindhouse were on the way out with the drive ins when I was a teenager. But I still got to go  to a few grindhouses and see good old fashion exploitation schlock movies.
     I went to see the ORGY OF THE LIVING DEAD  triple feature at the Plaza Theater in Downtown San Diego. The Theater is gone now. They replaced it with a big classy shopping mall.
     The three features were re named horror movies from Europe. They were already old movies. THE CURSE OF THE LIVING DEAD aka KILL! BABY. KILL!; THE REVENGE OF THE LIVING DEAD aka THE MURDER CLINIC and  FANGS OF THE LIVING DEAD aka THE VAMPIRE'S NIECE. I don't think this last film was released to the U.S. till that triple feature.
     The film had a gread sleazy looking poster. As I said before an exploitation movie needs a great poster.

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