Tuesday, March 24, 2015

THE UNDERSTUDY. A short Story.


     The Old World Theater was running a production of Hamlet. The Old World Theater was known through out the state for it's fine Shakespearean productions.
     Tony Franklin was the director of the play. He was unset this evening. It was ten minutes till the curtains went up and Johnson Synblood the star performer was nowhere to be found.
     Franklin was not only upset that Synblood had not shown up. He was worried also. He had never known in all the plays over the years he worked with Synblood of him ever being late. He wondered if something had happen to him.
     He could not imagine anything short of death stopping Synblood from being there. Franklin could imagine a gang of kidnappers holding Synblood captive. Franklin figured that only that would keep Synblood away.
     Ben Freekson who worked as Synblood's understudy
was getting ready to take synblood's place. To said that Freekson was thrilled would be a gross understatement.          Never in the six month run of this production of Halmet had missed a single performance. He even worked the daytime shows that usually featured the understudies. Many people believed that Freekson resented Synblood for never giving him the chance to play the lead role of Hamlet. It was very lucky for Freekson that Synblood did not show up for the last performance of the play. It was his very last chance to play the leading role. A role any actor would kill for as the saying goes.
     The curtains went up on time with Freekson playing the role of Hamlet. Many people felt that Freekson did a good job in the role. But no one thought he was as good an actor as Synblood in the role. Many ticket holders asked for a refund because they were disappointed that Synblood was not performing.
     After the play a cast party was thrown by the backer of the play and the entire cast and crew was there. That is everyone except for Synblood and Sam Porter who worked as the prop man for the play.
     As Franklin was downing his second drink Sam called him over to look at something. At first Sam tried to pretend that he did not hear him. But Franklin realized that Sam was upset. Though that was not really unusual.
     "What is it Sam? Is there something missing again?" Sam took pride in keeping a close eye on all the props. Sometimes the crew would hide props from him to tease him.
     "Look at this Tony." Sam said as he pointed to the skull used in the 'Alas, poor Yorick' scene of the play.        "Well what about it?" Franklin could not understand why six months after the show started that Sam would be pointing out the prop skull to him. Franklin wanted to go on to his third drink.
     "It's not our prop skull. In fact it's a real one."
     "A real one?" Franklin took a closer look at it.
     Franklin was not sure what a real skull would look like. He was pretty sure what a bullet hole would look like. There seem to be one in the head of the skull over the left eye.
     A few days later the police matched the dental x-rays of the skull to the dental x-ray charts of Johnson Synblood.
     His headless body was found buried in the cellar of Ben Freekson's home. Synblood who had never missed a performance was there after all.


Copyright 2015 By Teel.

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