Tuesday, May 29, 2012


     I saw the Turkish copy/ripoff of YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN (1974) A couple of nights ago on You Tube. the movie is called SEVIMLI FRANKENSTAYN (1975) AKA: MY FRIEND FRANKENSTEIN and TURKISH YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN.
    The movie is pretty much a scene by scene remake of Mel Brooks hit movie YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN only it is shot in color and is not as good. The print I saw had no subtitles but since it was copying YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN very closely I had no trouble fallowing the plot.
     The monster in this film was disappointing. It was a tall actor in shabby clothes. Not a monster at all.
     The movie reminded me of the TV movies of Larry Buchanan. For those who are unaware of the works of Buchanan his TV movies of the 60's were scene by scene remakes of Black and White B movies released by AIP that were remade in 16mm color by Buchanan on really cheap budgets.

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