Thursday, December 15, 2011

THE APE MAN (1941) Lugosi's worst role.

     It's always sad to watch good actors in bad movies. It hurts to see Bela Lugosi in the 3rd rate movie THE APE MAN (1941) Just ten years earlier Lugosi had starred in the classic horror movie DRACULA.  Then ten years later he's playing a mad scientist who's become half man half gorilla.
     Many people would said that Lugosi's worst role was as the Frankenstein Monster in FRANKENSTEIN MEETS THE WOLF MAN (1943) But that was not Lugosi's fault. He was playing the role as it was written in the script. The monster was blind and could talk. The studio re cut the movie before it was released and removed the scenes of the monster talking and the plot point that the monster was blind.
     This was the only Universal movie where the monster walks with his arms out in front of him. The reason for this was because Lugosi was playing a blind monster who was feeling his way around. With the blind monster plot removed Lugosi just looks silly.
Just ten years after DRACULA (1931) Lugosi is appearing in junk like this.

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