Thursday, October 13, 2011


     I first encounter the movie SEX MADNESS on the old NIGHT FLIGHT TV show on the USA network back when it was an interesting cable network. You can now find the film on the INTERNET ARCHIVES and on YOU TUBE with little trouble.
     This film was shot in the early 30's in the days before penicillin was invented and VD was hard to treat. There was many untreated people back then who went blind or suffer brain damage.
     The film opens with with a very old man reading the newspaper and saying to his very old wife that he wished the police would do something about the displays of sex. He is talking about the burlesque show of the time. Their son walks in (They must of had him in their late 40's) and tell them that he's going on a date.
     Else where in an office an stereotype lesbian in a suit jacket and tie makes the moves on her co worker and they decide to go to the burlesque show that night.
     The movie then switches to the burlesque show. A bunch of women in tight shorts are dancing. Watching them is the girls from the office. They decide to stay the night together. The son from the open scene goes to a hotel with his girlfriend and a sleazy looking man who watched the show murders a little girl.
     The rest of the film has nothing to do with these people. The film now fallows a dancer from the burlesque show. She has VD and is seeing a doctor who is helping her. But she wants to go home and married her boyfriend. She goes to quack who sells her a fake cure and she gets married.
     Soon after getting married and having a baby things go bad. Her husband is losing his sight and the baby becomes sick. The family doctor in his office tells them that they have VD and demands that the husband admits that he is the cause. The wife breaks down and admits that she is the one who infected them.
     The VD horror films of vintage exploitation movies era are a lot like the AIDS dramas we have now. Since there is no cure there is a sense of doom in the movies. Just like in the early AIDS era when there was no treatments and no one was living very long.
     A lot of people who considered themselves moral attacked the victims of AIDS when if first started killing people saying it was their own fault for their life styles. The same thing happen back in the VD days. People would insist that VD was the results of what they believed was a bad life style and that 'nice' people did not get sick like that.
     Of course there is still people who think that way. Maybe heart attacks are the results of their lifestyle.
     SEX MADNESS is a crudely shot movie with low productions values. I'm sure it played in many grind house movie theaters until penicillin came along.


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