Saturday, September 2, 2017

THE BUM'S CURSE- A short Story.

     I was walking out of a bar late one night after few screwdrivers. As I walked out a smelly bum walked up to me.
     He held out the fore finger of his long unwashed hand at me and said something I couldn't understand with his smelly wine breath mouth. He then made some kind of a sign in the air with his finger.
     "I've just placed a curse on you." He told me. I tell you the cheap wine made his mouth smell like the inside of an old outhouse. "Give me a dollar and I will take the curse off of you."
     I gave him a dollar. I liked his act. It was better than those liars who claim that they needed the money for food and at lease he was walking. I can't stand those guys who just sit there with their hands out. I then walked away from him.
     I was halfway down the block when 'it' appeared to me.
     It was a seven foot tall cat standing on it's hind legs. It wasn't a cat really. That's just what it kind of looked like to me. It had it's paw out ready to smack me over the head.
     The bum then appeared again. He ran up to the cat and then he yelled something at the 'cat' and it ran away into the darkness.
     "Sorry." Said the bum shame faced. "I mixed up a few of the words when I took the curse off of you." He then walked off into the night. I've never seen him around here again.
     Sometimes I wonder if I just dreamed it after one too many drinks.
     That's why when I go drinking now a days I always tell the bartenders that I want a screwdriver... But hold the vodka.

Copyright 2017 by Teel- Please do not re post or re print without permission.

Friday, September 1, 2017


Rando saw that it was a high wall. The wall was smooth and there was no climbing over it.
It was much longer than it was high. No matter how far Rando walked in ether direction there was no way around it.
The only break in the wall was a hole. It was not a small hole. But it also was not a very large hole.
Try as he might there was no way he could push himself through the hole.
Beyond the wall was a garden and in that garden was many pretty women.
Rando tried and tried again to go through the hole.
He was too big...Too big...
The sounds of the carnival sideshow barker woke up Rondo who had once again fallen asleep from boredom.
"Come one...come all! See the incredible Rando! Nine hundred and twenty pounds of human flesh! The fattest living man in the state of New York!"
Rando looked out of a hole in the side of the
freak show tent in which he sat all day.
Over by the cotton candy stand stood two pretty girls.
Too big. He thought. Too big...too big...
Copyright 2017 by Teel.

Please do not repost or reprint without permission.