Tuesday, February 21, 2017

SHARK EXORCIST- Movie poster.

Image may contain: one or more people, cloud and text

     I thought this was a joke but then I checked You Tube and found scenes from the movie posted there. Bad acting and bad taste.

Thursday, February 16, 2017


     THE ASTOUNDING SHE MONSTER is one of those movies with a great poster and a bad movie behind that poster.
     The only two features of this movie that are any good is A) The stock music which was also on the soundtrack of THE BEAST OF YUCCA FLATS and B) the actress who plays the alien she monster. She wears a skin tight outfit and kills anyone she touches. In some scenes you will notice that she backs away from the the camera a lot. That was because the suit she was wearing was so tight that it split down the back and the actress could not turn around in it after that.
     There is no space saucers in the movie like the ones shown on this poster.
     Lead actor Robert Clarke was inspired to make the movie THE HIDEOUS SUN DEMON after seeing that this bad very cheap movie made a profit.
     Clarke's movie is much better than this one.