Wednesday, February 22, 2012


     The late actor / screenwriter Paul Naschy like the old Universal horror movies. No doubt his script for ASSIGNMENT TERROR (AKA LOS MONSTRUOS DEL TERROR and DRACULA VS FRANKENSTEIN) was inspired by THE HOUSE OF DRACULA and HOUSE OF FRANKENSTEIN.
     In this movie Paul Naschy is once again play the werewolf Waldemar Daninsky. An space alien in human form brings him back to life as part of his plan to destroy the human race so the people of his planet can take over the Earth. The alien is played by Micheal Rennie. It would be his last film role.
     The aliens working out of an old castle also gather together some other monsters including a vampire, a mummy, and a Frankenstein style monster. For some reason the monster is not called Frankenstein.
     This is not a great motion picture but it is a good movie to munch popcorn while you watch it.

     There is various prints of the film around. The worst print was a VHS tape under the title DRACULA VS FRANKENSTEIN. (Not to be confused with the Al Adamson film of the same name)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

GHOST WORLD- Jaan Pehechaan Ho

     One of my favorite movies is GHOST WORLD (2001) Which was based on the Graphic novel by Daniel Clowes and directed by Terry Zwigoff who had directed the bio documentary CRUMB.
     The film opens with a musical scene from the Indian movie GUMNAAN (1965) In that scene you can hear the dubbed voice of Indian movie singer Mohammed Rafi singing the song Jaan Pehechaan Ho as the credits roll.
     Not long ago Heineken Beer put out a television commerical featuring the song once again dubbed in over a performer mouthing the words.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


     One of my favorite film series was the Starman films from Japan. The films were THE EVIL BRAIN FROM OUTER SPACE. ATOMIC RULERS FROM SPACE. ATTACK FROM SPACE and INVADERS FROM SPACE. All four films can be seen on the Internet Archives.
     In Japan the superhero Starman was called SUPERGIANT. He was not a giant so we can only assume the name loses something in translation.
     The Supergiant was featured in a series of short movies in the 50's. The films were spliced together and re edited into the four Starman movies that for years played on local TV channels. I do not believe that they ever played in a theater in the USA. I have seen French posters for the movies. On the French posters he is called Spaceman.
     The films are fun if you enjoy badly made sci fi action movies. The films often features badly dressed up monsters from outer space.
Starman also known as Supergiant.

One of monsters that Starman most fight against.