Wednesday, November 30, 2011


A poster for the third rate film classic THE ASTRO ZOMBIES. If you are a bad film fan who never saw THE ASTRO ZOMBIES you really should go and find a copy to see.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


     This photo features two Day of the Dead figures. Day of the Dead is on November first in Mexico and people believe on that day the spirits of the dead come to visit the living. People on that day go to the graveyard to clean up the graves and tombs of their departed family members and a lot of skull center folk art is produced including painted sugar skulls and figures from every day life such as these. A bride and groom on bikes. This was a center piece at my niece's wedding.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


     Every year at the San Diego Comic Con I see lots of women dressed up as Wonder Woman. A few years back I took this photo of  a young lady dressed as Wonder Woman in one of the many hallways of the Convention Center.

Friday, November 25, 2011


     Here in the USA Santa Claus works alone. But in Europe Santa AKA Fathter Christmas travels with a hairy demon called Krampus. Father Christmas gives toys to the good boys and girls. Krampus scares and beats the bad boys and girls.
     Above is an old time Christmas card from Europe of Krampus attacking a bad girl. There is a lot of Christmas cards from old times in Europe like this.
     In the USA they tell kids behave or Santa will not bring you presents. I think threats of Krampus works better.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


     I have been convinced for quite a while that many exploitation filmmakers come up with the title for the movie first and work their way up from that.
     The film title: BILLY THE KID VS DRACULA makes you want to see the film. Even tho you are sure it's going to be a bad movie.
     John Carradine the greatest actor to make 3rd rate movies stars in this movie as Dracula. Carradine in an interview said he felt this was the worst film he ever made. Carradine had played Dracula before in the movies HOUSE OF FRANKENSTEIN (1944) and HOUSE OF DRACULA (1945). Carradine gave the crappy movie it's only source of class.
     In this movie Dracula is in the old west and posing as the uncle of a young woman who is inheriting a ranch. Her boyfriend Billy the Kid wrecks Dracula's plans.
     My favorite part is the scene where Billy the Kid shoots Dracula and the vampire just stands there. Then Billy throws his gun at Dracula and knocks him out long enough to stake him with a knife rather than the classic wooden stake. (In the novel DRACULA the vampire is killed with a knife in the heart at the novel's end)
    The film is very low budget and shot pretty much like a B western from the 40's even tho it was filmed in 1966.
     The film was released in a double bill with JESSE JAMES MEETS FRANKENSTEIN'S DAUGHTER. That film was slightly better made.
Yes this is a real movie.

Monday, November 7, 2011


     About ten years ago I went to DISNEYWORLD and one of the things I enjoyed there was a restaurant called the SCI FI DINE IN THEATER.
     The dining room was done in the style of an drive in movie theater. I am old enough to remember those.
     The tables were all booths shaped like old cars from the 50's and they faced a large movie screen that played scenes and trailers for old sci fi B movies.