Monday, August 29, 2011


     I like the song THE ST. JAMES INFIRMARY BLUES and I like CAB CALLOWAY (You younger readers will remember him as Curtis in THE BLUES BROTHERS) Here he is singing the song in the cartoon SNOW WHITE in a classic surreal scene. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

     This is one of the great comic book covers. It was drawn by L. B. Cole an artist who did a lot of comic book covers. He designed his covers to stand out from the rest. I heard him speak at the San Diego Comic Con one year and he said he would look over the comics on the news stand and if most had dark covers he would do a light one and try to do something different from the other comic book covers so his comics would stand out. He did all sorts of comics but is best known for ghastly horror comics. Too bad the artists on the inside of those comics were often not as good as Cole.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


     This is an odd ad for coke cola I found on You Tube- It has a lot of style.

Friday, August 5, 2011

THE MIGHTY MR. TITAN - Exercise cartoon.

     Every year when I go to the San Diego Comic Con International ( Comic Con) I try to catch the WORLD'S WORST CARTOONS  show that plays every year.
     They always start with THE MIGHTY MR. TITAN cartoon show. This was a cartoon made in the early 60's to promo exercise to kids. I remember watching these cartoons when I was a few years old. I never did learn to like exercise.
     The animation in this cartoon is funny. He man Mr. Titan would show an exercise move and they would re loop the same shot of him over and over again as kids on the sound track would count along.